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Thursday, 29 September 2011

An angel of Mercy

Rula Al-Safar

An angel of Mercy

 Rula Alsaffar (48yrs) a cancer survivor, Head of Bahrain nursing society & emergency nursing at the CHS, arrested on 4th of April 2011 for false allegations.

During the crackdown on protesters in Sitra on 15 March 2011 then the Pearl Roundabout on 16 March 2011, she was the motivation of doctors, nurses and medics, orchestrating everything to save lives. An eyewitness doctor said that she was all over the hospital running around checking on patients, organizing the hospital while all were panicking and stressful and working aside medical staff treating patients. The doctor says that he and a couple of friends were trying to sleep on hospital beds after spending all night and day treating patients but she stopped them saying “Don't sleep, these beds are for patients!”. I told her that we were here since 7am and that we needed to rest but she replied, “Get up I don't hear you. We are here to save lives not to rest.”

Despite her dedication in saving lives, giving back to the community and promoting Bahrain internationally, she has been among the first to be targeted by the Bahraini security forces. Mrs. Saffar was called by the Bahrain security forces for interrogation on 4 April 2011 and since then she has been detained . Later on, she was charged with “The inexcusable refrain from aiding people”, “The possession of unlicensed weapons and ammunition”, “Refraining from carrying out their employment duties, in aims of hindering medical work, consequently endangering people’s health and lives”, “The attempt of forcefully occupying a public building” and “Participating in unlicensed protests and rallies

She is a member of the following societies:
• President of Bahrain Nursing Society – Kingdom of Bahrain
• Head of Cancer Support Group and Executive Board member of Bahrain Cancer Society – Kingdom of Bahrain
• Vice president of the Ministers’ Consultative Committee at the Ministry of Health – Kingdom of Bahrain
• Member of the CPR Committee at the Ministry of Health – Kingdom of Bahrain
• Member of the Registration and Licensure Office – Kingdom of Bahrain
• Member of the Higher Training Committee at the Ministry of Health – Kingdom of Bahrain
• Emergency and Disaster Preparedness – WHO consultant to Jordan and China
• Participated as a collaborator in the Country Cooperation Strategy for World Health Organization and Bahrain

Also a member in the following International Organization:
• Board of Nurse Examiners for State of Texas. Licensure: Texas, USA (#558263) 1990 – Present.
• Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of State Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs. Pennsylvania, USA (#RN-352549-L) 1999 – Present.
• State of Delaware, Division of Professional Regulation. Delaware, USA (#L1-0028334) 1998 – Present.
• American Nursing Association
• Oncology Nursing Society
• Social Work Society
• American Red Cross
• American Society of Nurse Practitioner
• American Association of Critical Care Nurses
• Bahrain Nursing Society
• Bahrain Cancer society
• Emergency Nursing Association


In Rula’s first trial session, she reported to the judge that she has been subjected to torture in detention, however she was not listened to and instead she got carried out from the court while she was still screaming out about the abuse that her and other detainees have endured.

1 - hsi ( Health and Safety Institute): Quotes from the Bahraini Gulf Daily News:
"Bahrain Nursing Society (BNS) has condamned the arrest of a Bahraini nurse who allegedly snuck an injured rioter into the hospital and treated him"
"BNS" President Rula Al-Saffar said that alba occupational nurse and first-aid Instructor Ebrahim al Demestani only acted according to nursing ethics and the country should be proud to have a health profissional like him.
"He (Mr. Al Demestani) provided nursing care no matter what the situation was. He did what he is suppose to do. He did what the ethics of nursing is all about". 

 2 – SMH: Medicos tortured, Bahrain trial told

Ian Black, London

June 15, 2011

BAHRAIN has defied international criticism by continuing the military trial of dozens of medical personnel accused of trying to topple the government.

At the hearing, attended by Stephanie Williams, the top US diplomat in Bahrain, Ali al-Ekri, an orthopaedic surgeon, and Rula al-Saffar, the head of the nursing society, said their confessions were extracted after they had been tortured.

They said they had to sign their confession papers while blindfolded.

3 - Amnesty International:

22 August 2011

The Bahraini authorities’ decision to try two prominent women activists in a military court is a backward step and raises concerns that they will not receive a fair trial, Amnesty International said today.

Roula al-Saffar, head of the Bahrain Nursing Society, and Jalila al-Salman, vice-president of the Bahrain Teachers' Association (BTA), have been released on bail after being detained for several months for their involvement in pro-reform protests.

4 - BCHR:

HRF: Bahraini “Sham” Trials Condemned

September 8, 2011

Washington, DC – The military trial of 20 doctors and other medics who treated injured protestors during pro-democracy protests resumed this week, further undermining Bahrain’s claim to respect human rights. The remaining doctors who had been in detention – some for many months – were released, but the charges against them still remain. Some are in extremely poor health after 9 days on hunger strike and are need of immediate medical treatment. Despite assurances that these cases would be tried in civilian courts, the cases are slated to proceed in military court and verdicts are anticipated by Sept 29.

Union members Rola Al-Saffar and Ibrahim Al-Demistani face defamation charges.

(BCHR/IFEX) - The High Criminal Court, presided over by Sheikh Mohammed Al-Khalifa, a member of the ruling family, has said that it will come to a decision on 24 March 2009 regarding the case brought by officials from the Bahrain Ministry of Health against Rola Al-Saffar, the president of the Bahrain Nursing Association (BNA), and Ibrahim Al-Demistani, the BNA's secretary.

6 - Front Line:

Bahrain: Jalila Al Salman and Rula Al Saffar go on hunger strike in protest at ongoing torture and ill treatment in custody

Posted on 2011/08/03

Front Line is deeply concerned for the safety and well being of Mrs Jalila Al Salman, vice president of the Bahrain Teachers's Society and Mrs. Rula Al Saffar Assistant Professor at the College of Health Sciences and the Head of Bahrain Nursing Society, following reports received to day that they have gone on hunger strike in protest at their continuing torture and ill treatment while in custody.

Rula Al-Safar with Jalila Al-Salman

7 - BCHR:

On 21 August 2011 Bahraini authorities released Rola al-Safar, the country’s top nursing official, and a teachers’ union official, Jalila al-Salman, after several jailhouse meetings with the head of an international panel investigating alleged abuses in Bahrain. They were detained for over five months during crackdowns on Shiite-led protests.

The charges against both activists are not dropped. Next Sunday 28 August 2011 Ms Rula AlSafar along with more than dozen doctors and nurses will appear at military court again.

Read More: http://www.bahrainrights.org/en/node?page=9

Colleagues of Rula Al-Safar in profession and detention.

Dr. Koloud Al Durazi, Obstetrician & Gynecologist. She was arrested in her house after being attacked by police, on April 14th, at 12am. We are proud of you Dr. Koloud Al Durazi

Dr. Jalila Al Aali, Endocrinologist. Her family dropped her off at Adliya CID after being called in for questioning, on April 4th. She was released on April 27th. We are proud of you Dr. Jalila Al Aali

Dr. Nada Dhaif, Dentist. She was arrested in her house after being attacked by police, on March 18th, at 4am. We are proud of you Dr. Nada Dhaif

Dr. Kholoud Al Sayaad, Pediatrician. She was arrested from the hospital and taken to Adliya CID, April 5th. We are proud of you Dr. Kholoud Al Sayaad

Dr. Zahra Al Sammak, Anesthesiologis. She was arrested in the hospital and taken to Adliya CID, on April 11th. We are proud of you Dr. Zahra Al Sammak

Dr. Fatima Haji, Rheumatologist. She was arrested in her house after being attacked by police, on April 17th, at 9pm. We are proud of you Dr. Fatima Haji

Dr. Nayera Sarhan, Family Physician. She was arrested in her house after being attacked by police, on April 14th, at 12am. We are proud of you Dr. Nayera Sarhan

Dr. Nehad Al Shirawi, ICU Consultant and Pulmonologist. She was arrested from the hospital and taken to Adliya CID, on April 5th. We are proud of you Dr. Nehad Al Shirawi

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Flash Back of Jalila Al-Salman's life.

Jalila Al-Salman

Flash Back of Jalila Al-Salman's life.
In addition to opposition members, human rights defenders, peaceful protestors, students and athletes, the Bahraini government is cracking down on its teachers. Teachers like Jalila Al-Salman who has been arrested on March 29th for her alleged role in coordinating teachers 'strike' following the February and March protests that called for government erform.

Jalila AlSalman 46-year-old, mother of three, deputy head of Bahrain teachers association, was sentenced three years imprisonment.

1- Amnesty International:
URGENT ACTION: Two leaders of teacher's association are detained and facing trail.
3 Aug 2011

Read More: http://www.amnesty.ie/our-work/urgent-actiontwo-leaders-teachers-association-are-detained-and-facing-trial

2 - Amnesty International:
Aug 4 2011 - 12:49pm
Bahrain: Imprisoned activists on hunger strike.
Read More: http://www.amnesty.org.nz/news/bahrain-imprisoned-activists-hunger-strike-0

3 - Bahrain Freedom:
Bahrain: military trial of prominent women activists 'deeply disturbing'
Created by admin2 on 8/28/2011 1:50:09 AM

The Bahraini authorities’ decision to try two prominent women activists in a military court is a backward step and raises concerns that they will not receive a fair trial, Amnesty International said today.
Roula al-Saffar, head of the Bahrain Nursing Society, and Jalila al-Salman, vice-president of the Bahrain Teachers' Association, have been released on bail after being detained for several months for their involvement in pro-reform protests.

Read More: http://bahrainfreedom.org/NEWS/NewsContent/tabid/69/ArticleId/681/Bahrain-military-trial-of-prominent-women-activists-deeply-disturbing.aspx

4- Front Line:
Bahrain: Jalila Al Salman and Rula Al Saffar go on hunger strike in protest at ongoing torture and ill treatment in custody.

Read More: http://www.frontlinedefenders.org/node/15628

5- Front Line:

Bahrain: Jalila Al Salman and Rula Al Saffar go on hunger strike in protest at ongoing torture and ill treatment in custody
Posted on 2011/08/03
Front Line is deeply concerned for the safety and well being of Mrs Jalila Al Salman, vice president of the Bahrain Teachers's Society and Mrs. Rula Al Saffar Assistant Professor at the College of Health Sciences and the Head of Bahrain Nursing Society, following reports received to day that they have gone on hunger strike in protest at their continuing torture and ill treatment while in custody.

6- Amnesty International:

Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi 'Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb: Possible Prisoners of Conscience.

Jalila al-Salman, 46-year-old mother of three, and Mahdi 'Issa Mahdi Abu Dheeb, leading members of the Bahrain Teachers' Association (BTA), were arrested in March and April 2011 in connection with the BTA's calls for strikes amid the protests at that time, and believed by Amnesty International to be likely prisoners of conscience. Jalila al-Salman was reportedly beaten in the early days of her confinement. Although civilians, Jalila al-Salman and Mahdi Abu Dheeb are scheduled to be tried by a military court on 29 August 2011, in breach of their right to fair trial before an independent and impartial court.

7- Human Rights First:

Jalila al-Salman: Female Teacher Forgotten in Bahraini Prison.

In addition to opposition members, human rights defenders, peaceful protesters, students and athletes, the Bahraini government is cracking down on its teachers. Teachers like Jalila al-Salman who was arrested in March for her alleged role in coordinating a teachers’ strike following the February and March protests that called for government reform. Over 40 security officers raided Jalila’s home in late March and arrested her in front of her three children. Jalila is still locked up, and her family claims she has been tortured. She may get her day in court, though no exact word on when.

8- In Solidarity with Mrs Jalila Al-Salman:

You can send a fax letter to Hamad bin Isa King of Bahrain to demane the release of Mrs Jalila .

His Majesty
Shaikh Hamab bin Isa Al Khalifa
Office of His Majesty the King of Bahrain
P.O.Box 555
Rifa Palace , Manama
Fax + 973 17664587

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

المراة في البحرين اليوم

المراة في البحرين اليوم

تعتبر المراة في البحرين رائدة بكل المقاييس , فهي في البحرين تتسيد الساحات للدفاع عن حقوقها و حقوق باقي المجتمع ضد النظام القبلي الحاكم .
و من اكثر الصعاب التي تواجهها الان في مجتمعها البحريني الصغير هو التعدي و الاغتصاب و التعذيب و القهر , حتى سقط الكثير منهن في سجون النظام الحاكم في البحرين , كما سقط  بعضهن شهيدات في ثورة البحرين او ما تعرف بثورة 14 فبراير .
ان المراة البحرينية من اكثر النساء العرب مشاركة في ما يعرف بالربيع العربي الصارخ الذي اطاح ببعض طغات العرب كابن علي في تونس و حسني مبارك في مصر و هو يصر على اسقاط علي صالح في اليمن و الملك حمد ال خليفة في البحرين . و قد دفعت المراة البحرينية ثمن هذه الريادة في الثورات العربية اما برصاص الجيش او اختناقا في منازلهن بالغاز الخانق او غاز مسيل الدموع . كما غدى الكثير منهن في غياهب السجن يرزحن تحت التعذيب و الاغتصاب .
لقد تم توثيق ست قضايا اغتصاب على اقل تقدير لدى جمعية الوفاق , كما ان اختطاف الفتيات من المدارس و الشوارع اصبح شيئا مالوفا في المجتمع البحريني , و القضايا المرفوعة ضد رجال الشرطة و القوى الامنية تشهد بذلك .
ان هذا كله دخيل على المجتمع البحريني , فالبحرينيين بطبعهم و كونهم من اهالي الجزر منفتحين على الاخر , و لكن التجنيس من اجل تغيير طيموغرافية البحرين الذي يتبعه ملك البحرين حمد بن عيسى قد اضر بالبلد و بقيمها , حتى غدت البحرينية لا تجسر على الخروج من منزلها دون ان تتعرض للضرب او الاختطاف او الاغتصاب من قبل القوى الامنية التي تحاصر القرى البحرينية .

لقد تم الاعتداء على الفتيات و سجنهن و وضعهن تحت التعذيب بدون سبب وجيه , كما حدث لآيات القرمزي , 20 سنة , حين قالت قصيدة .

 قصيدة آيات القرمزي :

مما جر عليها ويلات هذا النظام القبلي المتخلف و رمى بها خلف القضبان .

مقابلة آيات القرمزي مع قناة العالم تحكي قصتها :

و لم يتوقف الامر عند هذا الحد بل تعدى ذلك باشواط حينما انطلقت يد القوى الامنية تعربد في البحرين بامر من ملكها حمد بن عيسى ,  فصبت جام غضبها على الكوادر الطبية التي كانت قد عالجت الجرحى الذين سقطوا على يد هذه القوات الامنية لاستخدامها الرصاص الحي و القوى المفرطة .
تم سجن الكثيرات من ممرضات و طبيبات , حتى سقطت لهن ممرضة شهيدة , السيدة بهية العرادي , التي عرفت فيما بعد بام البحرين و سوف نفرد لها موضوعا خاصا مثلها مثل باقي الشهيدات و النعتقلات و غيرهن .

من الذي قتل بهية العرادي :

سوف نقوم نتوثيق كل ما يمكن توثيقه  من اعتداءات اصابت المراة البحرينية و نشره هنا .